Diatomaceous earth is a non-toxic natural substance that’s made from crushed fossils.
It is deadly to insects but harmless to animals and humans.
What are the benefits of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder?
DE can kill fleas, ticks, lice, or mites on your pet.
DE is not poisonous and does not affect the parasite chemically, but purely mechanically.
Since DE is made from crushed fossils, its particles look like broken glass bits under the microscope.
When these sharp particles touch the parasites, they pierce through the exoskeletons (protective coating) and the parasites dehydrate and die.
When used internally, DE can eliminate intestinal worms and parasites.
DE is packed with minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium, silicon, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium and phosphorus.
These minerals may lead to better sleep, healthy skin, hair and nails.
DE is a natural deodorizer too.
It can be sprinkled on your cat’s litter box or on your pet’s coat.
DE may be used in the garden to eliminate pests and ticks.
Instead of using pesticides, this is a safer alternative for your pets too.
HARLEY’S DE Powder is food grade, therefore safe for pets.
Those used industrially are not pet safe.
Who can benefit from Diatomaceous Earth?
All dogs, adult cats, and plants can benefit from Diatomaceous Earth.
Diatomaceous Earth Benefits in Summary:
Great source of minerals
May be used internally or externally
Eliminates ticks, fleas, and parasites
Natural dewormer
Natural deodorizer
Promotes detoxification
Suggested Usage:
Internally: Mix ¼ teaspoon of diatomaceous earth with water or wet food for every 10-lb body weight.
Do not sprinkle dry - remember to mix.
Externally: Rub the powder into your pet’s coat.
Avoid eyes, nose and mouth as it can irritate the mucous membrane.
Do not let pets (or even you) inhale the powder.
On Beddings: Sprinkle on beddings and leave for 3 days, then vacuum or wash.
On Plants & Environment: Sprinkle on garden soil.

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