Our Probiotic Meal Topper Has Solved These Three Problems:
1. Excessive Itching- A bacterial imbalance in the gut quickly affects the bloodstream, throwing the whole body out of whack.
It doesn’t take long for this problem to surface as incredibly painful skin flaking and sores.
These dry and sometimes bloody spots only get worse with constant scratching, and yet anti-itch creams and shampoos offer only temporary relief.
The best dog probiotics will treat the problem from within and keep the itch from returning.
That’s exactly what Canine Science will do for you!
2. Frequent Diarrhea - Bacterial imbalances in the gut can impact your dog's ability to naturally digest food, leading to frequent and uncomfortable bouts of diarrhea.
Many pet owners have tried to fix this by switching diets, but without the right bacteria in the gut, even fiber-rich foods can be difficult to properly digest. However, our supplement is packed with probiotics that promote healthy digestion.
These “good bacteria” don’t just pass through the body — thanks to our probiotic meal topper, good bacteria stay in the gut to help properly digest the food that follows.
3. Unsafe Bacteria Buildup - Without a proper supplement to regulate it, bad bacteria can start building up in the small intestine. This is called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, or SIBO.
It's a problem that can lead to a host of health-threatening problems, including food intolerances and allergies, weight issues, and more.
Canine Science Probiotic Meal Topper for Dogs includes BILLIONS of the “good” bacteria that can help fight back against this imbalance, restoring the digestive system to its happy, natural state.
Our super potent probiotics are highly effective.
We’ve created ingredients list we’re proud of, using only the best globally sourced ingredients.
Essential Benefits:
L. RHAMNOSUS - Uniquely adapted to survive within your dog’s body, this bacterium can also adhere to and colonize doggie intestinal walls, which offers longer-term benefits.
L. PLANTARUM - Stimulates your dog’s digestive system, fights off disease-causing bacteria, and helps your dog’s body to produce vitamins. Many dogs’ benefits from reducing seasonal allergies and irritated bowels.
B. LACTIS - The world's most documented probiotic, which has been proven to fight unwanted internal growths of concern, improves digestion functions for dogs of all breeds.
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